more focusing on how the christmas market that blocked majority of the areas in front of the building influenced this and saying that the professors think it significantly impacted us so gave me the opportunity and I revised it on my own and worked for over 40+ hours through out the week after chrsitmas market ends.
focusing on with the new space之前的experience是线性的,因为我们只能在大楼旁边窄窄的一条走道上。我们需要将zone 1 and zone 2挤在那里。 now all the space on the side of the building is for zone 1 , with more space allow me to add more elements to this part that shows hude'c journey to shanghai and did new archival resources research. and make it a cohesive and complete part. 现在它是一个长廊式的部分。在之前如果我们想延长它,我们会走到马路上被车撞很危险。
and with the space in front of the building, I was able to add interactions with the building front facade and ask users to spot hudec's actual office window, make it more like a 虚实结合,虚实交互的体验。based on this, I edited transition narration script to 加强这种user穿越到虚拟空间,在experience结束后回到reality,the present shanghai的感觉。然后我基于此修改了audio source to make majority of the narration in hudec's first person perspective, being more immersive and 奇幻的。
我还调整了前往trigger zone 2的引导(放置一把椅子,如果有可能的话现实中也可以放一把椅子)以及触发和离开的方式。现在在user靠近椅子触发时,它们将直接出现在Office桌子前,Office内部,进行探索。而离开和Office消失的方式是在门触发打开动画后,看见来自hudec的指示“
Thank you for spending time here and listening to my story.
It’s time to return to the present now, to a Shanghai that has changed so much since then.“
最后我修改了trigger zone 3的位置,将它安排在了离开Office的门的那一侧。风和粒子的动画更make sense了,因为人们在建筑对面的广场会被动画吸引而走到建筑门口,然后触发最后一个trigger zone聆听结束语音,查看virtual画报。zone安排在建筑铭牌的旁边。体验结束后,观众将站在现实中建筑铭牌前,抬头仰望beak,陷入沉思。
总而言之,Christmas market blocking the street significantly impacted 动线的多样化设计以及与建筑里面的互动。我基于完整的空间重新设计。也谢谢教授给我的机会,希望dean能approve。
[refine after Christmas market] 根据完整的场地重新安排了trigger zone的位置
修复了桌面上的letter texture闪动的bug
修复了结尾音频trigger zone,音频只在初次enter播放。
research new archival resources - documentary footage for trigger zone 1 -sketches
made a new sketch for beak in the office